joi, 4 iunie 2009


See... the thing is I always get what i want. Like when I was a child and screamed for my lollipops. And even I don't get the things when I scream for them I fight for them ! And I get them finally.
These may seem a selfish way to be myself .... screwing everybody to get something. But I bet you all did this in a moment of your life for at least one time. And don't think you cared about who stands in your thing way. You manipulated, lied and used puppy eyes.
In other order this was not to get your thing. This was to prove yourself how ... strong, powerful, beautiful and persuasive you are. Exactly like the game called flirt.

I'm tough, because in this world is needed. But...a very important but, I learned to be human beside that tough factor.

7 comentarii:

Linn spunea...

multumesc, zici asta de fiecare data cand postez frumos ? ai mai facut asta odata.

fiica mării spunea...

nu, zice asta ca sa faca trafic :-j am vazut si pe alte bloguri :))

Linn spunea...

iui :))

DonG spunea...

so, i guess that now we have to comment in english :))

i have a question for you:d can you want what i want? then want to give me what i wanted?:))

Linn spunea...

I do just what I want :D not others, I did said something about selfcentred :D

Xaphiris spunea...

I'm a grammar-Nazi, sure, but this is grammar-Stalingrad :-S

Linn spunea...

well then tell me where i'm wrong :D I need critics also