miercuri, 2 septembrie 2009


One more.One less.
Another wasted love story. Always the same for me.
Break Up. Break Down.
Drink up. Fool Around.
Meet one guy, then another, play around to forget the one and only.
Then after a few months of total emptiness, I start again to look for true love.
I meet a new love, And swear it is THE ONE, until that one is gone as well. I hope not too soon this time.

4 comentarii:

DonG spunea...

ai auzit de metafora cu Matrioşka? cea referitoare la relatii?

Linn spunea...

nu, care e?

DonG spunea...

pai, dupa cum cred ca stii, matrioska e o papusa care are in ea mai multe papusi. iar metafora e ca niciodata nu stii daca persoana pe care o iubeste acum e ultima! chiar cand credeai ca this is the one, vezi ca de fapt exista o "papusa" mai mica.

daca ai timp poti sa te uiti la Les poupées russes. e explicat mai bine conceptul, si e si tare filmu:D

Linn spunea...

mersi :D